Dorancy Analytics

Data Analysis Company


The website needed to portray and accurate represent her services while maintaining a great user experience

- Jesus Paredes
UI/UX Consultant
April 2023- May 2024


Dorancy Analytics, LLC specializes in providing research, evaluation, and assessment services and products to empower organizations with actionable insights. They focus on delivering high-quality program evaluations, statistical analyses, and psychometric consulting

Tools Used


Tools Used


The Goal

Create a modern data analyst website that represents the company and it's services to it's potential with a design that will appeal users to stay against competitors

Accessibility Report • Digital Wireframing • Low and High-fidelity Prototyping • Iterating on Designs • Determining Information Architecture • Responsive design • Site Mapping •




How Do We Stand Out?


To get started I had to think of ways to stand out against competitors in a good way. Many competitors websites do not seem up-to-date, so a modern website helps give visitors a feeling like, "this company is up-to-date in their field".  

The Big 3

After all those ideas I sat back and thoroughly analyzed which ones would be the most ideal and presented it to the team during a meeting, we narrowed it down to:

Dashboard Designs

Dashboard designs today appear to be very trendy and popular, especially for data anaylsis

Minimalist Designs

Minimalist designs today seem to be trendy overall with modern websites

Interactive Elements

Websites today have many interactions to let users know the CTA buttons and even for some entertainment

After thorough research with The Big 3 I discovered the following

Dashboard Designs

As I researched more about dashboard designs and the trendy wave it has going on today, I discovered the following ideas.

Bento Box

Just like a bento box for food containing several compartments. It is the same for designs and has become quite popular.


With the dashboard designs being in a box i can add some color to it and make the site more lively,


Use visualizations that relate to whatever content is in each single  dashboard.

Minimalist Design

As I searched for many modern websites using minimalist design and finding success in it I discovered the following main components they incorporated:


Typography can be used to help bring a font that is smooth and clean to add on to the minimalist design

White space

White space is used to help create the simplicity in minimalist designs seen today

Visual Hierachy

Visual hierachy is an important component to emphasize the most important elements in minimalism

Interactive Elements

As I searched for the most successful websites in this field, I discovered the interactive elements they used were for the following instances:


CTA can be used for buttons to emphasize the most important things in the website


Certain animations being triggered on a minimalism design can cause user retention


Reveal elements that can either be animations or text or more can lure in more visitors if done correct

Research Summary

Methods Used
Secondary Research • Competitive Analysis  • User Interview • Surveys • Usability Metric Comparison
User Needs
User-Friendly Interface • Responsive Design  • Current and Relevant Content • Engaging Visuals • Competitive Edge
Design Principles
User-Centered Design • Responsive Design  • Simplicity and Clarity• Visual Consistency • Content Relevance • Accessibility


Mockups and Usability Tests

I had initial sketches during a team meeting to figure out and lay the ideal route we'd go for designs. The following designs are iterations that continuously changed after usabilty tests and stakeholder opinion.

Iteration 1

Good Landing page size
Needs Header and title too small
No Button

Iteration 2

Good showcase of infomration
Excessive White spaace
Should be an infinite loop for skills

Iteration 3

Good for product sub-pages
Image not full screen in width
Button needs some radius and spacing

Iteration 1

Good button size
Large image showcasing company
Make title bigger and text smaller

Iteration 2

Clear layout for infomration
Give some padding to image to align with text
Text looks too small to read

Iteration 3

Good use of white space
No icon to help understand product
Sub-title same size as main title


Have a look at our Published Work!

The Desktop View!

Have a look at some pages of the finalized website for the desktop version!

Check it out for yourself

The Mobile View!

Have a look at some pages of the finalized website for the mobile version!

Check it out for yourself


After the revamp went live to the website there were noticable changes


Conversion Rate Increase


Website Traffic Increase


Client Increase



• Increased Website Traffic
• Landed 2 clients
• Incresed followers in socials

• Data Analyst Designs
• Dashboard Designs
• Implementing SEO

What I Learned

next steps

Improve SEO

As the CEO coninues to grow her company I will improve SEO to assist her

Stay Updated
Stay updated on the latest trends in the data analyst world and apply it to website
Continue to update the website as the CEO continues to grow and add more services

brand kit

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